Confirm educational details so you can hire with certainty
Driver iQ confirms enrollment or graduation, associated dates, degree/diploma, & area of study through our perfected process
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Trusted by trucking industry leaders

Trusted by trucking industry leaders

Background check accuracy, always the best in the industry
Average time-to-fill reduction
Of criminal searches closed within 1 hour
Global background screening provider

Background check accuracy, always the best in the industry
Average time-to-fill reduction
Of criminal searches closed within 1 hour
Class action lawsuits vs. hundreds in the industry

Background check accuracy, always the best in the industry
Average time-to-fill reduction
Of criminal searches closed within 1 hour
Class action lawsuits vs. hundreds in the industry

Criminal history background reports you can rely on
Join the Cisive movement to onboard only the highest quality talent quickly, while eliminating bad actors that put you, your teams, & your clients at risk. Upgrade your talent solutions, streamline your hiring, and de-risk your business

Proven Practices
Education Verification is a longstanding requirement, and Cisive continuously examines their processes for how they can be refined
Total educational institution coverage
Understanding how to engage with an institution sets the stage for verification success – whether by phone, email, third party verification, or other methods
Get the fastest & most accurate corporate talent screening and monitoring services built specifically for highly regulated industries. Get the right talent onboard while safeguarding your workforce... and your business!
Get the fastest & most accurate corporate talent screening and monitoring services built specifically for highly regulated industries. Get the right talent onboard while safeguarding your workforce... and your business!

Flexible call frequency
Cisive can set call patterns based on client preferences regarding attempts and days elapsed
Faster results through technology
Automations and integrations help correctly route verifications for leading response times

Frequently Asked Questions
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Book time with one of our screening experts to learn how we can streamline your process
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