Trusted by industry leaders
Trusted by industry leaders
Trusted by industry leaders
Background check accuracy, always the best in the industry
Average time-to-fill reduction
Of criminal searches closed within 1 hour
Class action lawsuits vs. hundreds in the industry
Background check accuracy, always the best in the industry
Average time-to-fill reduction
Of criminal searches closed within 1 hour
Class action lawsuits vs. hundreds in the industry
Background check accuracy, always the best in the industry
Average time-to-fill reduction
Of criminal searches closed within 1 hour
Class action lawsuits vs. hundreds in the industry
In an effort to mitigate risk and protect their businesses from insider threat, many employers are now conducting ongoing monitoring of employees for criminal arrests or convictions
Ace surveys and audits with ease
LicenseManager Pro is designed specifically to meet (and exceed) audit requirements impacting healthcare organizations just like yours
The right credentials pursued for your employee, every time
Our license requirement table ensures the right credentials are confirmed and monitored for every employee, creating a consistent and compliant monitoring program
Get the fastest & most accurate corporate talent screening and monitoring services built specifically for highly regulated industries. Get the right talent onboard while safeguarding your workforce... and your business!
Get the fastest & most accurate corporate talent screening and monitoring services built specifically for highly regulated industries. Get the right talent onboard while safeguarding your workforce... and your business!
Frequently Asked Questions
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