Trusted by industry leaders

Integrate and harmonize all of your talent processes across a core set of tools & services to help
you overachieve your talent & business goals

We’re on a mission to make every workplace safer
Join the Cisive movement to onboard only the highest quality talent quickly, while eliminating bad actors that put you, your teams, & your clients at risk. Upgrade your talent solutions, streamline your hiring, and de-risk your business
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Join the Cisive Movement and get your badge to proudly showcase your commitment to creating a safer workspace for employees, candidates, & clients by accepting only the highest quality talent
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the industry's strongest background check accuracy
Average time-to-fill reduction
Of criminal searches closed within 1 hour
Global background screening provider
Customers just like you use Cisive

N. Shanta W.

Melanie M.
Houston Methodist

Chris S.
Ploger Transportation

Ronald C.
HealthTrust PG

Onboard only the strongest talent fast, while safeguarding your workplace with 99.9994% background check accuracy every time
Navigate your complex regulatory & compliance challenges with ease leveraging our 40+ years of deep industry knowledge
Resolve any challenge quickly with highly responsive, always-on industry expert customer support partners
Get a talent solution that fits your exacting needs with the most flexible platform & services available, not canned templates like all the rest
Enjoy full integration and total systems interoperability with a single talent ecosystem in one end-to-end platform. One solution, one support team, one invoice
Integrate your core tools & services with amazing support to deliver a complete talent & onboarding solutions that get the right talent hired quickly
Get your talent onboard faster, the first time, with an unmatched candidate experience

Book time with one of our screening experts to find out how we can streamline your talent process with a free assessment
Get your free assessment